Aug 22, 2022
Used Car Dealership Near Jacksonville NC electric and gas vehicles

When choosing a used car dealership near Jacksonville NC, you should know what type of vehicle you are looking for. Ford dealerships eastern NC will likely have all types of vehicles, ranging from full gas to hybrid, and it’s near impossible to get a grasp on the various advantages and disadvantages without significant research ahead of time. That being said, what are some major types of vehicles, and what are the pros and cons of each?

Full Gas

By far the most common type of vehicle you will find at a used car dealership near Jacksonville NC is a gas vehicle. In fact, around 90% of light vehicles are gas-burning vehicles. This means that these vehicles will have the most infrastructure surrounding them. They also will often time be able to provide more power than their electric counterparts. On the other hand, these vehicles will also cost more to keep fueled when compared to partially electric or fully electric vehicles.


Hybrid vehicles are a good comprise when you visit a used car dealership near Jacksonville NC. If your Ford dealerships eastern NC have a hybrid on the lot, you will quickly find out that they balance the usage of their electric motor and gas engine to get you significantly more bang for your buck at the pump while only costing around six dollars to charge fully if it is a plug-in hybrid. This means it is incredibly cost-efficient and you can still avoid the worries of electric infrastructure in that you can still use gas and not have to rely on charging stations. However, because of the dual motor setup, you often have to compromise on storage space.

Used Car Dealership Near Jacksonville NC | Sanders Ford

If you’re looking for a used car dealership near Jacksonville NC to purchase your next used vehicle, look no further than Sanders Ford. Our team will work tirelessly to ensure that you find the vehicle that is perfect for you. To learn more about what options are available, visit our website today!