Jul 30, 2023
electric vehicle from ford dealerships in nc

At our Ford dealerships in NC, we understand that change can feel uncertain, especially when it comes to trucks. As the globe moves towards a greener future, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising solution to help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. As one of the top pioneers in the industry, Ford has worked hard to introduce electric alternatives to its traditional well-loved models. From the experts at our Ford Jacksonville dealership, here’s everything you need to know about electric Fords.

Understanding Electric Vehicles

EVs are vehicles powered by one or more electric motors, utilizing electrical energy stored in batteries as their primary source of propulsion. Unlike traditional trucks that rely on internal combustion engines running on gasoline or diesel, electric trucks at Ford dealerships in NC operate using rechargeable battery packs. These battery packs store energy from an electrical grid or renewable sources such as solar or wind power. The transition to electric vehicles offers numerous advantages, including reduced carbon emissions, lower maintenance costs, and improved energy efficiency.

Power and Performance

When you hit a Ford Jacksonville EV accelerator, you’ll feel an instant surge of power. This is thanks to the instant torque that electric motors provide. This acceleration is not only impressive, but it also makes for a safer driving experience. You can easily merge onto highways and pass other vehicles with ease.

In contrast, traditional trucks rely on internal combustion engines for power. With an internal combustion engine, you need to build up speed gradually. In addition, the engine noise can be loud, making for a less comfortable ride overall.

Charging and Range

Electric Ford trucks like the ones available at our Ford dealerships in NC require charging, which can take longer than refilling a traditional truck’s gas tank. However, with advancements in charging technology and NC EV initiatives, charging is more convenient and accessible than ever before. In terms of range, electric Ford trucks have a limited range compared to traditional trucks, but their range is rapidly improving. For example, the Ford F-150 Lightning has an estimated range of up to 300 miles on a single charge, making it a viable option for those who need to travel longer distances.

Environmental Impact and Cost Savings

Vehicle emissions are the largest contributor to air pollution in the United States. Since electric vehicles use no gasoline, they emit zero tailpipe exhaust. By choosing an EV, you can not only significantly reduce pollution for you and your family, but you can also improve the health of the country at large.

Although electric vehicles can cost more than traditional ones, they may just save you money in the long run. With fewer moving parts, they are less likely to break down, making them more reliable and sustainable. With lower fuel costs and potential tax incentives, electric trucks at our Ford dealerships in NC can offer even more significant savings over time.

Sanders Ford | Ford Dealerships in NC

As the automotive industry adapts to a greener future, our Ford dealerships in NC recognize the importance of providing customers with a wide range of used options. From boosting your health to boosting your savings, electric Fords are an investment worth making. Ready to evolve? Browse our full selection of energy-efficient Ford Jacksonville models online or call one of our representatives at 910-939-3616.